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Time for a change

Updated: Mar 15, 2022

You may have been looking many places for a change. Maybe you have add many questions.

“You have searched me Lord and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise, you perceive my thoughts from afar...” Psalm 139: 1-2

Paul himself in Corinthians said that we are not supposed to put too much importance on who we follow. He goes on to ask is Christ divided ? We are encouraged to experience the power of God through Christ who was crucified for us. Experiencing his power and his presence is the most important.

What are our motives ?

We want success or a fulfilled life? True success is experienced when we die to self. Self is our biggest enemy and baptism is a picture of us dying to self and living a new life with Christ.

We can look like a success outwardly, but true success is when our motivation is selfless. It is time for a change.

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